Dividing Lines: The Knot (Weimar-Dessau-Berlin), 2018, acrylic and screenprint on cotton rag paper. 10 + 2 E.A., 11.7 x 8.3 in ( A4), Collection of Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst1.front view, 2.side view, 3.close-up view
The work focuses on Bauhaus’s complicated history of existence at three different locations and its gender politics. Due to the political climate of that time, shifts of focus, technique, and instructors, the school moved three times over a total distance of 305 km. The measured spaces between the Weimar’s, Dessau’s, and Berlin’s locations are depicted in the 1:100 000 scale of the weaved lines. The black line that traverses the tangled knot serves as a visual representation of the road between those locations. Both the structure and the title of the work are based on the “Knots” series executed by Anni Albers in the late 40’. Albers was a Bauhaus student since 1922. After 1931 she became the Head of the Weaving Workshop, which made her one of the very few women to hold such a senior role at the school. At first, the Weaving Workshop was a neglected part of the Bauhaus that later became one of its most successful facilities. In a way, although the school fronted progressive ideas of gender equality, it still maintained many barriers for women (different standards in the acceptance policy for women, redirecting female students into more domestic subjects of weaving, or ceramics, etc.).

color test- studio view, 2018
Exhibition history:
︎“Century.idee bauhaus”, Gallery drj--julius ap, Berlin, Germany, April 28 - June 23, 2019
︎ POSITIONS Berlin, Gallery drj--julius ap, 100 jahre bauhaus, Sept.12-15, 2019
︎Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst [Conceptual Art Foundation] in Soest, Germany, since October 2020

Century.idee bauhaus, exhibition view, gallery drj--julius ap, Berlin