The work "The Knot" is now a part of the collection at Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst [Conceptual Art Foundation] in Soest, Germany, Oct.2020
The whole collection of works from the CENTURY. idee Bauhaus exhibition will now remain as a whole and be preserved for the years to come. Stay tuned for more news about the upcoming exhibition at the Carl-Jürgen Schroth’s museum in Germany and other locations across Europe.
The work was first exhibited at the CENTURY.idee bauhaus exhibition at the drj.julius|ap gallery in Berlin. The curatorial team consisted of the museum director Simone Schimpf, MKK Ingolstadt, curator Sibylle Hoiman, Bauhaus Archiv Berlin, art scientist Frederik Schikowski, Berlin/Basel and architect and art collector Frank F. Drewes, Berlin/Bielefeld, as well as drj directors Christiane Bail and Matthias Seidel.
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“The Knot (Weimar-Dessau-Berlin)”, 2018, acrylic and screenprint on cotton rag paper