(project 2014- 2016)
Project Transitions refers to the notion of change that in consequence opens up a variety of possible outcomes - rearranged works captured in process of becoming something new, paintings with multiple endings, objects changing skin, rejecting their outer layers, wanting to be different from what they are. Transitions project focuses on the consistent process of change rendered so by the existence of time. Everything is in a state of flux, always transforming, adapting, modifying itself.“Something moves not because at one moment of time it is here and at another there, but because at one and the same moment it is here and not here.” In transition, things are not changing in a single moment, but constantly; they are not stationary, but moving slowly through and beyond. Selection of work:

Open Work
( project 2013 - 2015)
The Open Work project refers to the concept of the so-called theory of the open work (Umberto Eco, Opera Aperta, 1962) , significant for its powerful concept of “openness”—the artist’s decision to leave arrangements of some constituents of a work to the public or to chance.
Selection of work: